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Sigma6 introduces itself

Your No. 1 Airsoft Team

At Sigma6 we are all about fun and competitive sports. Our experienced coaches train our team to reach their potential. We always have fun together when we play. We have been around since 2014 - and we are here to stay. Join our family and take part in cool events.


A membership always includes:


1. Organised match days

2. Best Team Support

3. Carpooling to match days

4. Participation in foreign events

5. Technical Support

6. Training

7. Initial consultation

8. Joint excursions



Our ranks:


Our conditions to YOU:


  1. You must be able to present a Casier Judiciaire NEANT.

  2. Treat each other with respect.

  3. Respect the material provided by the club and by your team colleagues.

  4. Sign off with times when you can't make it.

  5. Pay for your membership card.

  6. Attend training at least 3 times a year.

  7. Always wear a mask/goggles on the field.

  8. In the Safe Zone, the replica is secured, or the magazine is separated from the replica or emptied.

9. Attend the annual general meeting.

10. Always have fun together

Led to victory

Motivators, teachers, mentors

Get to know the responsible trainers and dedicated employees behind Sigma6. They come from all sorts of backgrounds and are united by their passion for sport! We are lucky to work with the best in the industry and we know that we would never have been so successful without these great trainers. Read more about our individual trainers here.



Head Coach

T. Eltz has been a valued member of Sigma6 since 2016. As our Lead Coach, he works closely with each team member. The way he chooses to communicate can make all the difference. The core task during a game is to support the players and give instructions that help them resolve situations.




The Sigma6 team would not be where it is today without his leadership and strategic planning. We couldn't have asked for a better coach. We have high hopes for the future with you.




In order to coach effectively during the game, coaches must reflect on their own behavior. Since the situation, with its wealth of perceptions and possible intervention scenarios, presents highly complex demands and the emotional and psychological stress is higher than in training, self-awareness and emotion control are essential skills.




M. BIANCHI has been a valued member of Sigma6 since 2021. As a coach, he works closely with each team member to ensure that each one can give their best. He sacrifices his time to ensure that each individual reaches their full potential.

WhatsApp Image 2020-10-14 at


Assistant Coach

P. KOLBER has been a member of Sigma6 since 2014. Supportive feedback, instructions, praise and criticism are part of the requirements profile and therefore the core competencies of this trainer.

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  • Best Value

    #Try it Package

    For Beginners 3 times Training
    • Basic Tactical Training and Game
    • no equipments needed! We got it for you
    • To get the entire equipement if needed we ask for 25€/day
  • Donations

    Help this Club to grow
    • Mentioned on all Media from Sigma6
    • Be part of this Club with your donation
  • Sponsoring

    only for Supporters Logo on Flyers
    • Bring your Brand Logo on our T-shirts or Hoodies
    • Bring your Brand Logo on our Flyers and Webpage
    • Bring your Brand Logo on our Events or Games
    • Get your spot with your Shop at every Event
    • Create with us the Community on Youtube
    • Weekly content about your Business on Social Media
Pakete & Preise: PaidPlans
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